Have you ever needed directions to get somewhere?
How about advice?
Have you ever been in the need of some good words to live by?
Was there ever a time where you might have needed to borrowing something from someone?
We’ve all been there before. But, do you remember how you felt when you needed to ask for help?
I do. So, I was a little afraid, a little embarrassed, and a little intimidated.
Watch this video to find out more about how to ask for help. 😊 It can also be found on my Facebook Group page. If you would like to join the group, please click the link facebook.com/groups/thinkmefirst.
Table of Contents
Why are people afraid to ask for help?
Do we view it as a sign of weakness?
Perhaps you are competing for a job or promotion and you think it could be used against you. After all, there are people who will throw others under the bus to get ahead.
Some feel it will ruin their reputation if you ask for help.
Others see it as embarrassing and to wanting to draw attention to themselves.
We tend to judge ourselves pretty harshly. You have heard of the saying “We are our own worst critics.” So I will use myself as an example.
I am a person of pride. In my family, I am known for being the strong one, the one who will listen to another, the problem solver. After all, I am viewed as always helping others out.
But there was a time when I was on the other side of the fence and finding myself needing advice, some guidance, and a little bit of financial help too. Most importantly, I just needed to felt loved and appreciated.
My pride took its toll on me though and kept me from asking for help. That is until I was to a breaking point where I felt I had no other options.
So, I saw a therapist.
After I found the right one for me, this was one of the best choices I had ever made in my life. There I was taught that it was okay to feel the way I did and to seek help from others.
You see, I had always felt that I would be bothering others when in doubt they were flattered I had asked for their help.
I thought it was a sign of weakness to ask for help when in doubt, I learn to see it as s sign of strength.
And then there was the other misconception that felt like I was being dependant. When in call reality, I was asking for advice to not be dependant.
I was seeing things in all the wrong ways. Therapy helped me realize this.
The word “help” is regarded as a negative word. We have words that are associated with help like therapy, counseling, self-help courses or books, life coaches, etc.
But I changed my mindset and learned I was only helping myself improve.
How negative is that? I simply took a negative word and used it towards a positive outcome.
Seeking help is a perfectly normal thing to do. We are all here to better ourselves, right?
You would not be reading my blogs, watching my videos, or joining my FB group if you didn’t want to improve yourself. The only difference here is that you are not asking for it. BUT, you are motivated to do what it takes to improve yourself.
Help is not a form of weakness.
In my case, I was using it to better myself.
Many successful people have life coaches to check in on them and hold them accountable.
Behind many athletes, there are different coaches behind the scenes.
At work, many of you may have a coach or mentor.
It is common.
It’s someone to keep you motivate and accountable for your goals and successes or help you with your fears or issues.
Seeking help is a strength!
You are taking control of your life with the advice of others and applying it to how it best benefits you. If you are stuck in a rut and don’t seek help and you cannot get out, that is the weakness. But, if you ask for help so that you can be your best self, that is STRENGTH!
If you liked this video, be sure to check me out at thinkmefirst.com, facebook.com/groups/thinkmefirst, pinterest.com/missythinkmefirst, and twitter.com/thinkmefirst1.
Remember, Think Me First! It’s not selfish, it’s necessary!
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