
3 Reasons Why We Fail And What To Do

Have you ever asked yourself “Why do I fail at everything?”

Failure is a normal part of life. It’s part of being human.

We have all failed at one time or another and will continue to do so. However, some people fail more than others.

Part of the problem is we live in a society where success is placed on a pedal stool and failure is frowned upon. There must be something wrong with you if you fail.

But, this is far from true. Failing at one thing does not mean your entire life is a failure. The only failure in life is when you stop trying.

Success Is Built On Failure

The more you learn what doesn’t work, means you are getting closer to success.

Making mistakes makes you a wiser and smarter person.

The most successful people have failed way more than they have succeeded.

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. ”

~Michael Jordan

Some people do not do well with failure.

You need to quit making excuses and come face to face with your mess.

You’ve heard of the saying “The truth will set you free.” It will.

Even if it makes you uncomfortable at the time, you will feel better in the long term.

When you know why you are failing, it will empower you to do something different.

Then when you realize this, it turns failure into a plan of action.

Watch this video to find out more about the reasons why you fail and how to fix that.  😊 It can also be found on my Facebook Group page. If you would like to join the group, please CLICK HERE.

3 Reasons Why You Fail

1. You Aren’t Taking Responsibility For Your Life

If you want to fox it, own it.

Many blame others for their problems. It is easy to do. But you need to change your mindset.

This is the fastest way to lose your power. And if you don’t change your mindset, you will continue to fail.

2. You Don’t Believe in Yourself Enough

Belief is the foundation of everything in life.

If you don’t believe in yourself, you set yourself up to fail before you even start.

If you believe you do not deserve success the destructive cycle will continue.

It’s very important to become an active observer of your own thoughts and identify those core beliefs that are keeping you stuck.

Examples of core beliefs:

  • I don’t deserve success…
  • I’m a failure…
  • I’m not enough…

Says who?? Usually, it’s you saying that about yourself. And if it is someone else saying it…who cares?

Once you become aware you are separate from the voice inside of your head, your negative thoughts will get weaker and weaker and your self-belief will grow stronger and stronger.

If you find this difficult to do, you might try meditation to find space in your mind for positivity.

3. You Give Up Too Quickly

Nothing comes easy, right?

Yet some people do some pretty miraculous things. Don’t you think?

Have you ever wondered why?

Even when the cards are stacked against them, they prevail.

If you give up the moment you encounter a challenge you’ve adopted a negative mentality. And you will always fail.

You will never finish what you start.

You will jump from one thing to another in hopes that things will get easier.

Then you have the person who seems to master everything. If they can’t find a way, they create one.

These types of people turn every failure into an opportunity for growth.

Take me for example. I had hit rock bottom. Having been a victim, now a survivor of mental and verbal abuse for many years, I was told how worthless I was by my abuser. I had hears it daily and was then starting to believe it.

Now, look at me. I am living my best life and I’m helping others achieve the same by using my own failures.

Will you fail? Yes, you will. It’s guaranteed.

But what matters is how you react when you do fail.

I am pretty confident to say that you have invested too much time, energy, sacrifices, throw things away, and never stop fighting for your dreams. I can tell you for sure that you will thank yourself in the future for not giving up.

My son played sports and always put a lot of pressure on himself for making mistakes. Before almost every game we had a conversation and I told him, “You are going to make a mistake tonight. And so is everyone else. It happens. What matters is how you deal with it afterward.”

I had learned that if he went into his game with that thought he was already prepared and he played through it.

Final Thoughts

If you have ever asked yourself “Why do I fail at everything?”, then reflect on the reasons we discussed.

The only person standing in the way of your success is YOU.

If you want to be successful be comfortable with failure.

Even better, seek out why you failed and learn from it. Use those failures as motivation.

I’ll end with a quote:

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. IN fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it. ”

~Maya Angelou

Remember…Think Me First! 💓

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