the benefits of smiling

Smiling-10 Awesome Benefits To You and Others

Did you know it’s vital and healthy for you to smile every day? Smiling, it has 10 benefits to you and others.

Are you lacking self-confidence in your smile? Or maybe you feel you have no reason to smile?

Rest assured, there are plenty of other health benefits to smiling. But for now, here are 10 reasons to smile. Get started today!

Watch this video to find out the 10 benefits of smiling. 😊 It can also be found on my Facebook Group page, or on my Youtube channel.

10 Awesome Benefits To Smiling

1. Smiling can lower your heart rate

When you smile, your body relaxes and hence, lowers your heart rate. People who smile and laugh often are less likely to have heart disease.

Why you might ask?

The less the heart has to work, the better your blood pressure.

2. Smiling is part of stress reduction

Its obvious stress is a common problem in society. Some people are more stressed than others. And stress creates a whole barrage of problems.

So why not use smiling as a stress reliever? It’s simple to do and one can reap a ton of health benefits by smiling throughout the day.

Smiling during stressful situations counteracts by releasing endorphins that decrease the bad stress hormones.

3. Reach a better mood by smiling

Those endorphins we talked about above that reduce stress, will also change your mood.

By placing a smile on your face, even if it is not genuine at first, can turn your day around if you allow it. As I mentioned before, smiling is easy and free.

4. Increase your productivity by smiling

Did you know smiling has been shown to increase your productivity?

When you are happy and smiling while you are working, you feel more motivated to do things.

Have you ever seen a silly tik toc video or internet meme that made you laugh while working? Or one of those cute animal videos.? It’s kind of like working to music, it lifts your mood and you feel more productive.

5. Smiling makes you more approachable and trustworthy

When you smile you look trustworthy and more approachable. And trust is an essential part of social health when you deal with people. This includes loved ones, friends, or even simple acquaintances.

Relationships are built on smiles. After all, it a universal sign. 🙂

6. It’s an empathy producer

Have you embarrassed yourself or been embarrassed by someone else? Maybe you got caught doing something you were not supposed to or something questionable.

What is your first response? For some, you smile, right?

It reminds me of the kid in the cookie jar story. He or she has chocolate around the mouth and you asked them if they were in the cookie jar and they say no. 🤣

We smile and the instinct breaks the ice of embarrassment and gives one a sense of empathy. Besides, we have all experienced embarrassment and we want to smile along.

7. Smiling avoids regret?

Have you ever smiled at someone to avoid feeling bad for that person? I know it sounds weird but we don’t want to hurt people’s feelings, so we smile.

We have all done it before, we have that best friend or family remember who is telling a story that they are passionate about, but we could really care less at the moment. So what do we do? We smile from time to time so we don’t feel regret.

Because regret brings down our mood and boosts our stress hormones. That is what we don’t want.

8. Painkiller

Did you know that smiling is a natural painkiller?

Have you ever hit your “funny bone” and you laugh, but it also hurts? Well, laughing, naturally takes away pain to a degree.

Back to the endorphins from earlier, smiling releases the endorphins that lift our moods.

9. Smiling increases attention

Stress limits our perceptions and narrows our attention or ability to focus. Sometimes we may be so stressed our fight or flight mode may kick in.  Then we can only focus on one of those things at a time.

But guess what?

Smiling counteracts this and then we get back onto the path paying attention, focus, and are able to multitask, think rationally, etc.

10. It’s contagious

At least 50% of people you smile to will smile back. This is where the health benefit spreads out to others around you. Smiling is contagious!

Think about this. Maybe you are the one who needs to smile and someone smiles at you? Is that going to provoke you to smile? If not, you right try starting!

Final Thoughts

It takes more effort to frown and be stressed or angry. So why not smile and be happy?

Smiling has excellent health benefits and social benefits. It’s free, it’s easy, it’s abundant, and it’s contagious and helps others. So why not.

Sate exercising your smile today. 😁

Take care and Think Me First 💙💚!

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Smiling-10 Awesome Benefits To You and Others
Article Name
Smiling-10 Awesome Benefits To You and Others
Did you know it's vital and healthy for you to smile every day? Smiling, it has 10 awesome benefits to you and others. 