Meditation-beginners guide

Meditation-A Simple and Useful Beginners Guide

This article is about meditation- a simple and useful guide for beginners. Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

The practice of meditation is very much a personal experience. You make it work for you, your health, and your intention. So, if you have never meditated before, no problem.

Meditation is said to be a remedy for stress, anxiety, depression, and any other health-related concerns.

We have all had one of these signs at some time or other. So why not try it?

Meditation has different skill levels and different positions with different intentions. Make it your own! 😊

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What is meditation?

It’s a practice of mindfulness. Meditation teaches you to sit with the thoughts that run through your mind or your feelings and body sensations.

Meditation is not about stopping the thoughts going on in your head. It’s about acknowledging them.

It’s stillness.

We need to give ourselves a mental break. When we do this, we are more aware.

A few benefits  of meditation are:

7 Steps to meditation-the beginners guide

1. Set up your place/space

We as humans crave comfort and space to make us feel at home. This goes for meditation as well.

You can meditate anywhere you feel at ease or a place where you spend a lot of time. For example: you are at work a lot and that could be a place of meditation and of course your home would be appropriate as well. A great space is anywhere you can go and not be disturbed.

Like me, I used to go out to my car while at work when I needed a break or to decompress. At the time, I did not know it was a form of meditation. But I did know I needed a quite space.

2. Find your seat

This a probable the most important step because it is very necessary to comfortable. You need to be able to focus on your thoughts and body sensation. If you are uncomfortable, you will not be able to do so effectively.

If you choose to sit on the floor, be sure to sit cross legged. You want your knees to be higher than your hips. This will naturally extend your spine.

When sitting in a chair, again, the key is to be comfortable.

3. Locate your breath

After you find a comfortable sitting positions, let your hand rest where they are most comfortable.

Next, locate your breath.

  1. Take full deep breaths in through the nose and then out through the nose.
  2. Keep focus on breathing and let the body relax.
  3. Relax the shoulder blades, arms, hand and fingers. Then focus on the legs, feet and toes.
  4. Slightly drop your chin to extend the neck and back.
  5. Next, relax the muscles in your face, jaw and eyes.

Focus on the path of your breath. Ex: nose, to throat, to lungs, to belly and then reverse on the exhale.

Be sure to visualize the bath of your breathing.

You want to be aware of your breathing.

4. Distract the mind

The biggest challenge in meditation is keeping the mind bust while relaxing the body.

Did you know we have between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts every day?

So take your time. It takes patience and practice.

Another way to distract the minds to count seconds when breathing in and breathing out. You can start with 4 seconds and build higher as you get more comfortable.

As you meditate, you still may have random thoughts here and there. And that’s okay. As with anything, it takes practice.

5. You can use affiramations

Some people may use counting to distract the mind while others use affirmations.

I use both depending on what is going on at the time I meditate and how I am feeling.

Affirmations are just words or phrases you repeat to yourself. You repeat the affirmation while breathing in and then again when breathing out.

Some example affirmations are:

  • I am enough.
  • I am whole.
  • I am loved.
  • I am good.
  • And many, many more

6. Guided meditation

I use this as well. My “go-to” apps are Relax Melodies and Calm.

There are plenty of them out there. Just choose one that works for you. You can also find videos on Youtube.

7. Keep it simple

Meditation is not always easy. And it may be a trial and error process. Worry NOT!

Again, things take practice.

And while the benefits of meditation are great, don’t let it be a chore or something you feel you have to do every day.

Allow it to be a break for you.

Final Thoughts

The above-mentioned 7 steps are perfect for beginners. They can be practiced anywhere, any time, and they are free to do.

Here are 10 reasons you should try to meditate every day:

  1. You will become more mindful and aware
  2. It can decrease unnecessary stress
  3. You will gain more control over your emotions
  4. You will likely make better life decisions
  5. It can help you slow down the pace you live your life
  6. You can learn a useful new skill
  7. You can experience more well-being
  8. It’s free
  9. You can do it anywhere
  10. It works

Take care and Think Me First 💙💚!

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Meditation-A Simple and Useful Beginners Guide
Article Name
Meditation-A Simple and Useful Beginners Guide
Meditation teaches you to sit with the thoughts that run through your mind or your feelings and body sensations. This article teach you 7 easy steps.