stay positive

5 Clear Ways to Stay Positive In Negative Situations.

How do you stay positive in negative situations? Negative situations cannot be avoided. They happen all of the time. But there is something we can do to counteract those situations so they do not affect our lives and attitudes.

Watch this video to find out more about the 5 tips to stay positive in negative situations! 😊 It can also be found on my Facebook Group page. If you would like to join the group, please click the link


Here are 5 ways to stay positive in negative situations.

1. Have a positive community or tribe/support group.

This is very important to have. Surround yourself with positive people who can pick you up in negative times.

2. Express what you are grateful for.

Even in the worst of times, we each have things we can be grateful for.

Be mindful it is necessary to look for gratitude and be sure to voice those blessings! Practice gratitude and talk about the things you are grateful for with your supportive community/tribe/or group.

Some keep journals to document their gratitude. You can find a good article on that even includes journal prompts. “Journaling, How To Start In Minutes.”

Journal and voice your gratitude on a daily basis. Because when you find gratitude daily, you will have a grateful mind and heart and it will carry over into positive moments when those negatives ones try to take over.

3. Retrain your mind.

Do you constantly beat yourself up? Do you constantly question your own actions?

I do, or at least I did. No one needed to call me clueless or stupid. I was capable of doing that fine myself. But then I stopped.

Take note people, stop being your own worst critic, and love yourself. The more negative things you say to yourself, the more you start to believe them.

So practice the power of positive thinking and change your mindset. When negativity comes before you, replace it with a positive thought. The more you practice this, the more natural it will become in negative times.

4. Exercise your body and mind.

Exercise is good for the body, right? Well, it’s good for the mind too.

Think about it, the best way to get rid of negative energy is to work out. this could mean a simple walk or jog. Exercising will also boost your self-esteem for having the discipline to exercise in the first place.

5. Accept and find solutions.

Good or bad, accept, and find solutions. Accepting is the first step to healing. Welcoming this change is a part of life. Accepting change can help you relax and be more adaptive.

Let’s say you are in a bad job situation? What do you do? Accept it and make it better? Or perhaps you see this as a chance to make a change for yourself and look for something you want to do?

Final thoughts:

Tragic changes such as death or something extreme will throw us off even worse. But when the brain is trained and has practiced how to be positive in negative situations, tragedy will not destroy us.

With the power of positive thinking or mindset, learn to place negative situations in perspective and deal with them when they hit.

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