choose the right friends

Want To Be Happy? Try These 11 Key Tips for Choosing The Right Friends

Do you want to be happy? Try these 11 tips for choosing the right friends.

Did you know you can accurately predict where you will be in five years? Or do you know where you will be going or what you will be doing?

The answer is simple, it’s the company you keep!

People you associate with have a major impact and influence based on who you hang around.

Relationships are like an escalator…they take you up and they bring you down.

For long-term success, you need to choose the right friends.

Watch this video to find out what to do to choose the right friends. 😊 It can also be found on my Facebook Group page. If you would like to join the group, please CLICK HERE.

Here are tips for seeking out those quality supporters.

11 Tips for choosing the right friends

1. Networker Higher

Whether it’s a career, life, or business relationship. you need to take them to the next level.

As for me, I have several older friends whom I sought advice from not only in my personal life but in my career as well. My older friends had experience and sound advice regarding life events. In regards to my career, I had several mentors.

Even in developing my online business, I find trusted people who can guide me while in unfamiliar territory.

2. Choose The Right Friends Who Have The Same Values As You Do

Keep core friendships with like-minded people. Choosing friends with similar values keep you from being negatively influenced by those that don’t.

When you have friends and colleagues with similar values, you help keep each other accountable.

3. Select Friends With Common Goals

When you have friends with similar goals, you can push each other. Together, you can work on your goals and hold each other accountable.

4. Find Those That Can Bring Balance In Areas Where You Are Weaker

Every human has strengths and weaknesses.

With the correct friends, you can tap into the skills, abilities, talents, and expertise in areas you do not. This could be in the form of a mentor, friend, family member, etc… in life, business, or whatever it may be.  And you can do the same for them.

5. You Want Friends Who Motivate and Encourage You

No one wants a friend who is negative all of the time.

People who are positive and uplifting, are the ones you want in your life and exposure to. You want to surround yourself with these types of people.

Ask yourself, “What categories do your friends fall in?”

The best friends are the ones that offer a listening ear and place a positive spin on any situation.

6. Pick The Right Friends That Share Same Interests

Simply, friends with similar interests, are more fun!

When you have similar interests you tend to more things together and have more to converse about.

7. Surround Yourself With Those That Have a Thirst For Knowledge

Life is about:

  • Learning
  • Growing
  • Advancing

With friends like this, you can learn more from each other.

8. Select Friends You Can Be “Purpose Partners” With

Purpose Partner: someone you can share your goals with and dreams with. A purpose partner is someone who encourages you towards achieving your goals. They help you stay accountable and following through as well.

9. Choose Friends Who Will Celebrate Your Success

You want friends who celebrate with you.

A true friend celebrates milestones, accomplishments, and congratulates you. KEEP THEM CLOSE!

10. You Want Friends Who Are “Get It” People

“Get it” people are serious about their goals and about success. They don’t treat life causally or waste time. They get things done.

It’s important to have friends that do the same.

11. Give What You Expect

Friendships are give-and-take. If you expect something from a friend, you need to give it as well. Be a good friend if that is what you expect.

Treat others as you want to be treated.

Final Thoughts

Take some time to evaluate your friendships and relationships.

If those relationships are not so great, it’s time to branch out and find new relationships.

Use the tips given to re-evaluating your friendships and relationships.

Boost the quality of your relationships for long-term success.

Take care and Think Me First. 💚💙

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Want To Be Happy? Try These 11 Key Tips for Choosing The Right Friends
Article Name
Want To Be Happy? Try These 11 Key Tips for Choosing The Right Friends
This article can predict where you will be in 5 years, by simply surrounding yourself with the right friends. Read more for 11 successful tips.