confident quality

Confidence – How to Achieve In Less Than 5 Minutes

Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities. To gain confidence is to practice confidence. With that being said, it will not be enough to only do the things I am about to tell you, but you have to believe in yourself as well. It’s a process. Your guide to confidence awaits you!

Understanding Confidence

To sum up the first paragraph, you must understand that confidence is a “feeling,” or emotional state. And guess where that feeling must come from? Yes, YOU! It’s YOUR own appreciation for YOUR own abilities and qualities. YOUR own self-worth and taking care of YOURself contribute to confidence also.

Confidence is not about what you wear, but it is about how you “feel” when you are wearing that particular outfit. It’s not about how you speak or where you came from but is about how you “feel” when you speak about something or talk about your background. Confidence does not come from material things. It comes from the “feelings” you get from those things. Confidence is a feeling you control. And with it, you are very powerful!

Watch this video to discover How to achieve confidence in just 5 minutes a day. 🙂 It can also be found on my Facebook Group page, or on my YouTube channel.

How To Obtain Confidence By Investing Less Than 5 Minutes A Day?

Write Positive Things

write with confidence

Does every day go well for you? Hmmm…..In my world, it doesn’t. I am not sure that I know anyone that has a perfect day every day. So there you have it, you are starting in the same position as everyone else. And your focus is YOU!

If you are doubting yourself and you lack confidence, try doing this exercise. Start a journal about yourself. At the end of each day, write three positive things that happened to you that day. It can be small victories or large ones.

If you made someone smile, that’s a win. If you get a promotion….obvious…..a win! No matter how small or large, it’s a positive thing. As I have mentioned in prior posts, the more you see positive, the more you will feel positive. And confidence is what? A feeling, correct.

Control Your Emotions

Knowing yourself and your emotions and how to control them will naturally make you a better person. Therefore, keeping in touch with your emotions will help you foster better relationships with family, friends, co-workers, etc.

With keeping your emotions in check, you will have a more sound mindset and make better decisions. You will show confidence through your actions, the way you carry yourself, and the way you speak.

Knowledge Speaks and Wisdom Listens

Empower yourself through knowledge and by listening to others. This is a very powerful strategy linked to confidence. Read, read, read, and research for yourself. Because you are then better prepared to speak about topics you are aware of and can act on them.

By listening to others, you can learn a lot too. What to do and what not to do maybe something you pick up. Be sure to research everything others say. Not everyone is an expert on what they may be speaking about, but they can be very convincing and persuasive.

Set Small Goals and Achieve Them

goals for confidence

In my last post about self-doubt, I talked about achieving small goals to boost confidence. So here we are again, toughing on the same. To develop confidence, you need to set small goals and achieve them. This will, in turn, develop a positive feeling of success. And with success comes confidence.

These goals may not happen overnight, but start small and then aim for big when you believe in yourself. If you set big goals and don’t achieve them, this could deter you from trying again. But also keep in mind, failure is okay, provided you learn from it, pick yourself up and continue on.

Do Things With a Smile

confident women

Do you know it takes more energy and muscles to frown than it does to smile? And think about the last time you saw someone frown. Did you feel like they were approachable? Would you trust someone who frowns?

When you smile, you might make others smile. You also look approachable when you smile. Smiling shows you are content and happy. And if you have a sincere and genuine smile, you look trustworthy. Smiling exudes confidence. When you smile, you feel good about yourself both inside and our. It’s the most universal sign in the world…..a simple smile, and it’s free to do!

Try Volunteering

Have you ever volunteered for something? How did you feel after volunteering to know you helped someone or something? Even carrying a small conversation with a person in need and giving them 5 minutes of your time cannot only make you feel good about yourself but can make a dramatic change in someone else’s life.

I do believe is was Dr. Seuss who said, “To the world, you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world.”

Imagine how much you can learn from volunteering. Remember, knowledge is a powerful characteristic of confidence. There is a lot to learn from others when volunteering. And when you give back it makes you feel good inside. Don’t forget either, that volunteering speaks volumes about the type of person you are.

Confidence Takes Energy

cycling in woods

How do you feel after exercising for a few minutes by maybe taking a brisk walk? Or maybe you power it up with some kickboxing. Either way, when you exercise you will feel better about yourself. You may be tired, but it’s a “good tired.” even though you exerted energy, sometimes you come out with more energy. Also, You know you are benefiting both your physical and mental health.

Physically your body can exert energy to rid yourself of stress, boost your stamina, and feel good. Mentally, exercising relaxes your mind and you can think clearly about things. Practice exercising, it’s a good motivational and discipline tool!

Think and Act Positive

Thinking positive is a “gimme”. It will not be valuable until you act positively also. The two go hand in hand. Have you heard of the phrase “Actions speak louder than words?” This can apply to thoughts as well. But, it starts with positive thinking. You have to have the thought before you can act on it.

After you are accustom to positive thinking, then act on those thoughts. Talk to people in a positive manner, show nice gestures, place your energy into positive actions. When you start changing to the positive influences, your confidence will naturally boost.

Get To Know Yourself

I maybe should have placed this one first, but I just thought about it. How do you get to know yourself? Why would you get to know yourself? Really? Yes, really. Think about it. Why do you get to know other people? You don’t want to waste your time on someone who is negative all of the time. We don’t want to offend people. We want people to like us. So we get to know them.

Well, we need to do the same with ourselves. Most importantly we need to like ourselves and be happy and content with ourselves. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. If we accept ourselves for who we are, you will be drawn to the same crowd and the same crowd will be drawn to you.

When you are comfortable with yourself, others will be comfortable with you.

Get Rid of Negative Thoughts

positive written on paper

It’s impossible to get rid of every negative thought. It’s part of human nature to have negative thoughts. That is, if you understand the negative, learn from them and acknowledge your feelings about them.

Confidence is driven by positive thoughts. For every negative thought, there is a positive one. Keeping a positive mindset will open up more opportunities for you. Hence, this will enhance your confidence.

So, here are a few ideas you can do in less than 5 minutes a day to boost your confidence. Once you start to instill these into your daily lifestyle and activities they will come easy to you and make you feel good about yourself.

Remember, confidence is a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities. So, belief in yourself, know your self-worth, be positive, help others and your confidence will grow even when you are not aware it is.

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