Table of Contents
How do you measure your success? Try not to compare yourself to anyone else and focus on only yourself. So I will ask again…How do you measure how successful YOU are?
I would guess to say that many people measure success based on their career status. They may gauge their success through their financial status, how high up the ladder they can climb, or a big promotion.
Others will measure success through their families. Perhaps they have a child who is very gifted in the classroom or a superstar athlete. Or maybe they have accomplished something as a family.
Teenagers may see their success through social status or being accepted by others. Sadly, this may be through how many followers they have or how many likes they receive on social media. Click here to find out more about social media and its impact on teens. Many adults relate to this as well.
Does anyone measure success by how happy they are? Again, we are talking about your own success, not that of others.
I am a firm believer, that if you are happy and can make yourself happy first, it will naturally carry over to those you are around. Children will mimic you and teens and adults will gravitate to you and absorb your positive vibes. You will positively influence and inspire others with your happiness. Here are 10 ways to find happiness to get you started.
If you do not believe me, try it out for yourself.
Watch this video to discover how to neasure success and take the happiness challenge!. It can also be found on my Facebook Group page, or on my YouTube channel.
How about a challenge? Are you up for it? Okay, here we go!
The Happiness Challenge: Can you see yourself measuring success by way of your own happiness? Think about it, if you are happy, you will naturally make others happy.
Week 1: For every day of the week, ask yourself to name one thing you like about yourself and write each answer down on the same piece of paper. I say to write them down, as it is important to see it yourself, hear it yourself, and then believe it. Measure your success!
During my time of domestic abuse, I felt like I was nothing. I was told I was nothing, I was treated like I was nothing, and worse, I believed it. My friends and family always told me I was a great person, a loyal and valuable friend, a good mother, sister, daughter. But the kicker was, I didn’t believe it. I had to develop the new mindset that I was worth it.
Every good person has a purpose and a value for not only yourself but those around you. You need to find qualities that you like most about yourself and focus on those qualities. The things you like about yourself may not be the same things others like about you. That is not important. In order to believe in yourself, you need to love yourself and things about yourself. Its’ called self-love! What others like about you is a bonus.
Week 2: Do something for yourself for at least one day of this week. Again, I repeat, do something for YOURSELF.
Go back and revisit one of your hobbies or you may choose something you have not done for a long time. Maybe this is writing a poem, reading a book, calling a friend, making a craft, going to work out, play some hoops in the backyard with your kid or friends. Whatever it is you find to do, make sure it brings you happiness.
For years, I had found myself pleasing others and doing nothing for myself. I thought I was happy, but I had no identity. I had once been an ambitious mother wanting to go back to school and get my master’s degree. But I was held back. Today, I still haven’t pursued my master’s degree, but instead, I am writing this blog. I have accepted I am on a different venture now. Whereas before, I “settled” for what I was. Now, I am in the pursuit of my own happiness.
Week 3: At least once a day this week, make a nice/positive comment to someone. Measure your success!
After you make a nice comment to someone, watch how they react. Observe if they smile or how they carry themselves afterward. A simple comment can go a long way to make another person happy. Sending one positive vibe can last all day long for someone else.
Now, look at yourself. How do you feel about yourself making another person happy? Did it make you smile? How did you carry yourself after seeing they were happy? How easy was it to make a simple positive comment and make someone happy? Did it cost you anything? Probably not, but the feeling was powerful.
When I was down and out, I made it a point to make a nice compliment or send a simple gesture to someone every day. This helped me immensely. I was not happy, but I found a little bit of happiness making others happy. That little bit of happiness compounded into more and more happiness for me over time.
Even today, I try to do the same. I never want to see anyone as miserable as I was. It’s amazing the impact your positiveness will have on others.
Week 4: Do Something you have always wanted to do, but have not had the courage to do.
Have you ever wanted to take a day to go get a full body massage, change your hair color, grab a new cuisine, take up golfing, go zip-lining, try a new fashion style, you get it. Trying new things and getting out of your comfort zone may surprise you!
I remember the day I left my unhealthy environment. It was the saddest, scariest, yet the happiest day of my life. I made the choice to choose a different path for myself. Did you notice I stated “myself?” Yes, and with that choice, I was better equipped to be a better mother, daughter, sister, and friend. It was finding courage that led me to stand up for myself and find my happiness.
This challenge is just for a month but can be added to or followed monthly. Adopt it and make it your own. Let me know how you measure your success.
So take the happiness challenge, measure your success and post your comments below.
Good Luck!
Check out my store Rock Your Vibe Apparel!
Welcome to Rock Your Vibe Apparel. My goal is to design apparel that will make a statement! Its full purpose is for you to be happy, confident, and comfortable with who you are. These are a few basics necessary to being happy internally and eternally!
“Your life becomes a Masterpiece when you learn to master Peace. “~Unknown
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Hello Elira. I completed my post on self doubt per your request. I hope it helps! Enjoy the Read!
Good topic!. I’ll research and post soon! Thanks for the idea.
Love this. Any tips for people who struggle with self-doubt?
Let me know your happiness challenge results!