How do you help someone who is depressed?
Research shows that more than 1/2 of the world’s population suffers from mental issues.
- Stress
- Tension
- Depression
- Economic recession
- And many more…
If you are witnessing someone who is experiencing or suffering from depression, you can help them to a degree. You don’t have to be a therapist to help someone with mental issues.
Now please don’t take me wrong, those that are depressed or suffering from depression still may need therapy or medication to help them out. I am only saying we can do our part to help those in need.
We can help them deal with their depression by leading them to a new life with refreshing and positive energy.
Once you see a loved one is facing or experiencing depression, it is probably not a good idea to talk to them negatively. Try and help them develop a positive mindset and surround them with positivity.
Let them feel and experience peace when they are with you.
Watch this video to find out more about how to help someone who is depressed. It can also be found on my Facebook Group page. If you would like to join the group, please CLICK HERE.
Table of Contents
Peace Of Mind
People who are going through depression may not have peace of mind. That was me at one time.
It can be concealed somewhere and lost amongst the negativity. We can do our part to help them find happiness and turn their minds towards peace.
With the support of family, friends, and or loved ones, one can rebuild their stability and possibly lessen or rid their depression.
Start Encouraging
Get those who are suffering from depression to realize that hope is a new way of life.
When I was depressed I didn’t believe in hope. I was surrounded by nothing but negativity. That was all due to my own choices and my negative mindset. But then I was convinced by an awesome friend, now my husband, to believe, have a hop, and find faith.
That’s when positive thinking started to set in.
When they say something negative, you flip it with something positive.
Here is another example. I knew someone who was suffering from depression and constantly blamed herself for something she had no control over. Her husband had an accident and she was not present when it happened. This strong woman had to make many life decisions about both his and her life in very little time. She did well from my perspective.
But, she had convinced herself that her decisions were what led to his last day of life. When she said things like that, I would flip it around and tell her. “No. Your decisions did not cause him to pass. They lead him to an extra year of life.” The more she heard this, the more positive her mindset became.
So, in short, you may be a positive aspect of their life for a moment.
Heal The Pain
it is very important to listen to the words of a person experiencing depression. Listen silently, because they need to talk.
If you need a refresher on effective listening, you can find it HERE.
And if you have time, start spending quality time with this person to motivate and rejuvenate their negativity into positivity.
Negativity drives a depressed person to feel even worse. Take them to a positive place. Often times they need a little push and to be held accountable for pushing themselves to positivity.
Explore Nature
Nature is an indispensable gift from God. One can gain a lot from watching and listening to nature.
It’s calm, soothing, and free!
Nature has a way of helping with pain and sending positive vibes.
So., don’t let your loved ones home themselves up in a dark room or house for that matter. Exploring nature is one of the best ways to deal with mental illnesses naturally.
Personify The Beauty of Nature
Nature has a beauty that regenerates mental peace.
The bloom of a new flower brings happiness. The blanket of fresh snow can bring calmness and silence. A chirping bird brings a sense of joy and delight. The moon itself casts a light of hope.
During my bout with depression, the thing I missed the most was a simple hug! Maybe that’s why I’m a hugger. I don’t know.
But, a sense of touch is a necessity for humans to feel love and compassion. Even if it’s a simple tough to one’s hand or shoulder. That could mean the world to someone who is suffering from depression.
Now keep in mind, not everyone wants to be touched, so be aware of their boundaries.
Final Thoughts
Listen carefully and be a soundboard for that person.
Be positive through actions and flip negative words and situations into positive ones.
Being a role model is important too. Don’t add to their negativity.
Keep things calm and positive. This may seem like a lot to you, but in a world of depression, it’s key!
Good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. it attracts and keeps friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment.
~Grenville Kleiser
Take care and Think Me First !
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