to do list

How To Smash Your To-Do List In 3 Simple Steps

Feeling overwhelmed with things you need to get done?

The fear of the unknown encroaching upon you?

Every day, are you adding more to your to-do list? And by now your list is a mile long. Am I right? Is this you?

So think about your own to-do list for a moment. For most of us, eight hours is already consumed by the 9-5 workday. And you already feel defeated because of all of the things you had to accomplish at work.

Now that work is over, you have to…catch up on social media, call your parents, don’t forget to send out that email.

Oh shoot, you need to cook dinner. But you can start that after you wash a few dishes you need for dinner. But before you start dinner you have a moment to throw in a load of laundry, that is, after you get your glass of wine.

What??? You have no butter. So, you go to the grocery real quick because you need butter for dinner.

Shit, you still have not had the very much-needed glass of wine.

You get it, right?

Let me throw another one at you…

Research shows the longer your list, the less likely you are to get things done! Then what happens? The overwhelm starts to set in. Your mind starts spinning and anxiety is picking up.

And dang it, you still have not had that glass of wine! 😋🍷

Watch this video to find out more about how to wipe out your to-do list.  😊 It can also be found on my Facebook Group page. If you would like to join the group, please CLICK HERE.

Here are 3 strategies to wipe out your to-do list

1. Pick your top 3 priorities, right away.

Do this before you check your email or social media.

Research shows that prioritizing is one of the most taxing things for your brain. Because we have to compare numerous items to each other and then decide.

So, even the smallest task of checking emails can hinder your ability to prioritize.

Once you’ve picked your main priorities, sequence them, and get to work. Don’t jump from task to task. Do one at a time!

2. Cross of half of the things on your to-do list

I know this sounds crazy. But think about it…

Your brain is working behind the scenes on every little task. Even when you are not aware, your brain is working. This in itself slows down productivity.

The things you really need to work on are most likely to not get done.

Why do you ask? Because you have that overwhelming urge to a dent in a massive list.

Then what? You will tackle the easy stuff first just so it feels like you are making progress.

Cut the list in half and you will feel better automatically. This will also free up more brainpower.

3. Create a done list

A to-do list can be discouraging and at the end of the day, you may feel as if you have not accomplished anything.

When you feel like you are making progress, don’t you feel more motivated?

At the end of the day, sit down and write out what you did all day. I bet by the end you will be quite surprised by how much you did. It will certainly make you feel better about what you have accomplished in a day.

You can now see the progress instead of feeling overwhelm.


  • Pick your top 3 priorities right away.
  • Cross off half of the things on your to-do list.
  • Create a done list.

If you liked this video, be sure to check me out at Think Me FirstFacebookPinterest, and YouTube.

Remember, Think Me First! It’s not selfish, it’s necessary!

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