acts of kindness

Acts of Kindness- The Impacts They Have Are Powerful

What was your last Act of Kindness? What were the results?

Spreading kindness not only helps others feel better about themselves, but it can boost the giver’s health and happiness too. It’s a win-win for all!

Humans interact via tech or face to face. Interaction rages from the dinner table, ordering coffee, and eye contact in the elevator on the street.

Watch this video to find out more about The Power of Acts of Kindness.  😊 It can also be found on my Facebook Group page. If you would like to join the group, please click the link

Negativity is all around us.

Why can’t we be kind to each other?

Kindness creates a happier environment. Kindness is free! So, why not perform a Random Act of Kindness?

A few simple words can go a long way to boost someone’s confidence. And many times it’s needed.

If someone is behind you, hold the door. Be polite, considerate, and respectful.

If eye contact is made, how about a smile? At least look approachable and acknowledge the other person’s existence.

If someone goes out of their way to do something to help another, a thank you is deserved.

The power of a small gesture or a slight smile is enough to change a person’s attitude or day. Smiles, like yawns, are contagious.

Think of the numbers. If one person smiles at just another person a day, that is two people that are happier. The gesture takes only seconds to make and the result is happiness for two.

Imagine if just 10 people a day do that. That is 20 happier people. So on and so on. And I remind you again, it’s free and it’s healthy.

A “Helper’s High”

Have you heard of the “helpers high?”

When we put the well-being of others before our own, without expecting anything in return, that’s called altruism. It stimulates the reward centers of the brain. Hence, the helper’s high.

Kindness contributes to our sense of community and belonging. We all need a sense of belonging. This contributes to a healthy and longer life.

Happiness Through Acts of Kindness

UK researchers found that being kind could boost happiness in as little as 3 days.

There were three groups. The first group was to give acts of kindness each day. The second group was introduced to an activity each day. Group three did nothing, just life as usual.

Groups one and two saw a significant boost in happiness with group one showing the most.

Acts of Kindness Suggestions

*When driving, let someone out from a side street or out of a parking space.

*If at the grocery and the person behind you had many fewer items, let them go ahead of you.

*Give someone a compliment.

*Let go of a grudge and tell the person you forgive them.

*Be there for a friend who is having a rough time. Just listen, no advice.

*Leave your mail carrier a note.

*By the meal of the person behind you at the drive-thru.

Final Thoughts

So I challenge each and every one of you to perform an Act of Kindness this week. Embrace how it makes you feel and the impact on the receiver.

If you liked this video, be sure to check me out at Think Me FirstFacebookPinterest, and YouTube.

Remember, Think Me First! It’s not selfish, it’s necessary!

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