happiness, happy

Happiness – 5 Simple Ways to Be Happy With Yourself Every Day

Happiness, we are conditioned to think it is associated with materialistic possessions. If we buy more things we will feel more fulfilled in life.

Uh, no, that is so incorrect! Happiness is not something you find externally. It’s an inside job and it’s a choice you make.

Making a purchase only brings short-term gratification. Soon you will be seeking to make the next purchase.

Watch this video to find out more about the methods to be happy with yourself every day! 😊 It can also be found on my Facebook Group page. If you would like to join the group, please click the link facebook.com/groups/thinkmefirst.


Happiness – Simple Ways to Be Happy With Yourself

1. Practice Mindfulness

How you start your day matters. So when you roll out of bed first thing in the morning, start with a smile and a positive attitude. If not, your emotions will get the best of you every time.

“Master your mind or your mind will master you.” Empower your morning ritual and take the time to nourish your mental and emotional state.

Set yourself up for success by meditation, journaling, exercise, mantras, or anything that works for you. Be mindful.

2. Be Grateful

Gratitude is a way of living that focuses on seeing the good. no matter what. Of course, there will be bad days, we are human.

Now, you have to also be aware, that you have to look for gratitude. It’s not something that comes your way without looking for it. Gratitude helps enhance good experiences, improve health, and deal with adversity.

3. Find Your Tribe

By nature, we are social creatures, especially during difficult times. So, don’t you think it would be important to have a dependable tribe in place?

People who have a strong connection with a few others, seem to have less stress, anxiety, and depression, and more self-confidence, self-esteem, and empathy.

Research says you become the five people whom you surround yourself with. And to be happy and successful, your friends need to have the same vision as you. This will also enhance your happiness and make you feel good about yourself.

4. Connect To Gut or Body Intelligence

When you are stuck, it’s usually “all in your head.” There is no connection with your body’s intelligence.

Did you know your body talks to you? Have you heard of “go with your gut instinct?” Yes, this is it. Your body talks to you through your gut.

The deeper inward you pay attention to your body, the more you can connect with your intuition.

Here are a few ways to connect with your body; dance, yoga, tai chi, and many other ways.

5. Don’t Take Live So Seriously

Life is too short to be serious all of the time.

We spend too much time worrying and may miss out on those beautiful moments.

Remember childhood? We may have heard our parents say “Run, play, be free.” We lose that as adults. But Why? There is no one telling us we have too.

Slow down and enjoy life. Don’t come to the end of life having regrets that you should have smiled or laughed more.

So take action and start today. It’s never too late to start being happy. Wake up each morning with a smile and be thankful for a new day. 😁🌞 And remember…Think Me First!

Check out my store Rock Your Vibe Apparel!


Welcome to Rock Your Vibe Apparel. My goal is to design apparel that will make a statement! Its full purpose is for you to be happy, confident, and comfortable with who you are. These are a few basics necessary to being happy internally and eternally!

“Your life becomes a Masterpiece when you learn to master Peace. “~Unknown

Rock Your Vibe Apparel

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