Self-care for men is hard to balance. Life can be stressful for anyone at any time.
There are plenty of articles and studies out there to support women with their feelings and how to seek self-care. But there is not much out there to support men.
So, this article goes to all of the men out there.
But, don’t get me, wrong ladies, we can take something away from this too. After all, we have men in our lives to some degree such s friends, spouses, family, etc.
Again ladies, the following things I am about to say do not by any means discount anything we do, feel or experience on any given day. I just want to focus on the guys today. And trust me, I learned a few things, I guess I could be a dude! 🤣
A short story before we move on. My husband, I make fun of each other sometimes because he says I am the guy in the relationship. I like to work outdoors and he likes to do indoor work. And when we go out for a drink, I will order and beer, and he will order wine. When the waiter or waitress serves us, I get the wine and he gets the beer. 😂
Watch this video to find out more about self-care for men. It can also be found on my Facebook Group page. If you would like to join the group, please CLICK HERE.
Anyways, societal norms have placed a lot of stress on men. They are taught from a young age to be tough, don’t show your feelings, and to take care of your family. They are not taught self-care for men.
Studies have shown that many men have abandoned what they normally do to take care of themselves, especially during times of COVID.
Men are claiming they are gaining weight and “stuck” in a zone of nothing but action.
Do you feel like this fellas?
Do you feel the constant cycle of:
- Get more done
- Figure it out
- Tackle problems
- You can take time to rest your body, your mind, and recharge
The problem is, you never get to #4.
There is always more to do.
Does this sound familiar?
I’ve been here before many times too. One has to a gut check and ask yourself “What can I do for my own self-care?”
- Look around and assess how you’re impacting your family, business, and health
- Take care of yourself
- Reassess and take action life from a more grounded, calm, and present state
- Repeat
Clear your calendar and create a chunk of time for yourself. Then force yourself to do it. You will find yourself to be more confident, capable, and pleasant to be around.
Look for the impact this has on those around you.
The lesson?
The best advice two of my closest friends gave me when I was going through brought times was “If you can’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of others.” I learned quickly how true this was.
Table of Contents
When men don’t reach out
Another societal norm out there is that men place their own health and well-being at the very bottom of their priority list.
In the United States, studies show men live about five years fewer than women.
Did you know as many as 65% of men say they avoid going to the doctor as long as possible and only go when they fear something serious is wrong? And it’s even worse when it comes to mental health.
Depression and suicide are the leading cause of death for men that are least likely to reach out.
Pay attention to your wellness and treat it as a priority. It will turn your life around!
3 Beliefs for all men and self-care
1. Your intentions count less than your actions
Often check your list of intended and desired actions. Does it include going to the gym, taking a weekend break to go fishing or an old hobby you don’t do anymore?
We already know what we need to do to feel better and stay healthy.
Get yourself some accountability. Perhaps a gym or fishing buddy, or someone who will hold you accountable.
2. Your stress overflows
You yourself might be able to live with a lot of stress you are carrying around, but take some time to think about how this impacts those around you. Ask your spouse, family member, or a friend or co-worker. Ask anyone who knows you well.
Think about it, is there anyone in your life that you think doesn’t deserve to be healthy and feel good?
Of course not!
So why would you be any different?
3. A call to self-care for men
This goes deeper than just feeling good or improving your life. It has everything to do with how men impact others around them.
So, to our men out there, take care of yourself. It can be an act of service to others and a movement of healthy men that could literally change the world for the better.
Take care and Think Me First !
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