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Intermittent Fasting – An Easy Guide For Beginners

Intermittent fasting itself is not a diet. Rather, it is a time frame in which you eat. With diets come calorie restrictions or certain food restrictions. But with intermittent fasting, there is no specification as to what you can or cannot eat. Intermittent fasting has proven to have some health benefits, including weight loss, cell restoration, and other assets. However, Intermittent fasting is not for everyone.

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What Is Fasting?

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So what is intermittent fasting? Per Wikipedia: Intermittent fasting (intermittent energy restriction or intermittent calorie restriction) is an umbrella term for various eating diet plans that cycle between a period of fasting and non-fasting over a defined period.

Why do people fast? There are many reasons why people fast. But it is up to you to identify why you want to fast and how you are going to fast so that it works for your lifestyle and to achieve your goals. Fasting strengthens the control of impulses and helps develop good behavior. 

People use fasting to simplify their lives, possibly lose weight, decrease inflammation, help with diabetes, and/or to improve their overall health and well-being. (Click here for more health benefits.) There are many other reasons as well. Others may fast for religious purposes such as the sacred month of Ramadan. (Click here to learn more about Ramadan.)

Think about it. Many people fast without knowing they are fasting. Think of the non-food items we may fast from. Have you ever taken a break from work (AKA: vacation 😉 )? How about watching TV only every other day? Or you may only look at social media between certain hours. We all take breaks. They are forms of fasting in a sense.

I do want to point out that fasting is also different than starving yourself. Fasting is a choice. You could look at it as taking a break. It is a natural part of the human life cycle. Starving yourself can either be a choice or not. Starving is when the body is lacking key nutrients and can cause ongoing medical conditions.

What Are The Different Types of Intermittent Fasting?

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There are several different types of intermittent fasting. You may be fit and healthy enough to do all of them or maybe none of them. Some are also modified to only eat certain foods, but remember, fasting is the time frame in which you can and cannot eat. It is not a diet.

To simplify for the purpose of this article is for beginners, we will only touch on a few. But the types of intermittent fasting are the 12/12 method, the 16/8 method, the east-stop-eat method, the 5:2 and the Warrior method, just to name a few.

The easiest of all the methods and a good place to start practicing is the 12/12 method. For 12 hours a day, you eat and for the other 12, you do not eat.

The 16/8 method is very similar to the 12/12 approach. You simply eat for 8 hours and fast for the other 16 hours.

As for the 5:2 method, it is a little different and maybe a little more challenging based on how disciplined you are towards food. With the 5:2 method you eat for five days of the week and don’t eat for the other two. Of course these days alternate and you don’t last for more than 24 hours straight.

As mentioned, there are other fasting strategies out there. So research and find out what one is best for you and your lifestyle.

What Can I Eat and Drink During the Fast?

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Remember, fasting is more about the time frame in which you eat. If you are not eating, you are not taking in any calories.

With that being said, you must make your food choices work for you. You want to eat foods and drink liquids that do not make you hungry again in an hour or so. I’m not going to tell you what to eat because no one person is the same. What works for one may not work for others.

Eat when you are hungry. This doesn’t mean you go out and get a banana split every time you have hunger triggers. But rather, eat smaller meals or snacks. Then, only eat until you are full. Do not overeat to the point you feel like the State Puff Marshmallow Man. We need to get rid of the social norm that we need three meals a day. For most of us, when we skip a meal, does it really hurt us? I could afford to skip a couple….hehe 🙂

How Long Should I Fast?


Above you have different styles to fasting. Some people have reported they have seen results in days and others had to practice fasting for at least a month. Also, keep in mind you may lose inches before pounds. Either way, if fasting makes you feel good, makes you feel more grounded and alert and you like the overall results, by all means, you can practice this for the rest of your life.

As with any diets, fasting periods or exercise, don’t be so hard on yourself. Start small and then set more challenging goals as you learn. You may miss a fast by one hour, a big deal. Do it correctly the next day. You may have had one too many desserts on another day. No biggie, consider it a treat for accomplishing making it through the day. Do not make this a negative project. It can be modified to fit YOU!

Tips to Stay Focused While Fasting

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  • Stay hydrated. You should be doing this even if fasting is not for you. Be sure to drink plenty of water, tea, and coffee. (This does not include the “I’ll have coffee to go with my sugar, or two pumps of sugar cane, etc….” you know what I mean, lol)
  • Eat high volume foods that keep you full throughout your eating window.
  • Increase the taste of your foods with low calories by including spices, vinegar, garlic, and herbs.
  • Avoid thinking about food. But again, if you are hungry, eat something small and healthy until you are full.
  • Keep your workouts light in your fasting windows. Yoga is good for the mind, body, and soul.
  • Focus on yourself and think positive thoughts. Set obtainable goals.
  • Get plenty of rest and learn to relax!

In summary, fasting is a natural part of the human life cycle. Most people have fasted unknowingly throughout their lifetimes by eating an early dinner, skipping breakfast or maybe they were busy all day they had not eaten. I have been known to be so busy all day that I had forgotten to eat.

However, it is important to keep in mind that one should eat a balanced diet rich in protein, fiber, and vegetables even though a person does not need to exclude certain foods from their fast. Also, it is very important to remain hydrated during your fast.

Finally, please keep in mind that fasting is not for everyone. The average person may likely experience minimal to no side effects. But those that have certain medical issues will benefit by checking with your doctor.

Happy Fasting!

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