
Journaling – How To Start In Just Minutes

After reading this article you will be journaling in minutes by learning the benefits of journaling, how to journal and I will even provide some journal prompts to get you started. And it only takes minutes to start! You don’t even have to be a writer to journal. Use it to create, remember, heal, and more. Journaling – How to Start in Minutes!

The Benefits of Journaling

ocean journal

It can be used to heal

This whole blog was written as part of my healing process. There were many, many times I hurt so bad that the only thing that helped me get rid of anger, fear, frustration and more, was to write. I wrote poetry, and some were pretty deep. I journaled, just to keep my thoughts in check. I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote some more. Today, I continue to write in hopes that I can help others who share some thoughts, experiences, and stories as I have had.

Others may use journaling to track their moods or perhaps events that cause certain triggers to their moods. This gives them a better understanding of themselves and their environment. This is wonderful therapy!

Journaling can be used to preserve memories

Some people will journal to preserve special moments or memories they have created. There are bullet journals where they may attach a photo or two.

I still have my journal from years ago, when I traveled to China to play volleyball as a sophomore in high school. It was such a wonderful experience, I wanted to keep every minute of every day. So, I made it a point to write daily of all of my experiences, smells, tastes, people, phrases…I wanted to document everything! And I am glad I did. I still pull it out from time to time for a good chuckle. It also reminds me of my writing style then and how much better it is now. 🙂

It Sparks Creativity

When you write, you can be anything, do anything, want anything. The possibilities are endless! You are in control and can make anything happen. Writing is an outlet from reality, or, you can be realistic about it. The choice is yours. Creativity varies from person to person, so be sure not to compare yourself to others.

My spousal unit (husband, lol) does not consider himself creative at all. I challenged him to write me a poem, letter or anything of some sort, for me. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. He definitely has an eloquence when it comes to words.

Now we often exchange little sticky notes placed in odd places from time to time to surprise each other.

But think about it, by writing you can either have no identity or maybe you will find your identity through writing?

Journaling can create self-discipline

How does journaling create self-discipline you might ask? You don’t have to journal every day to create self-discipline. You may only write when you are feeling sad, happy, want to remember something. But when you find that special cause to journal, you take time out for yourself to do it. It’s all about self-love and taking time for yourself.

Journaling can improve memory

Did you ever think that journaling can improve your memory? Have you ever heard that when you write things down, you often remember them better? it’s true. When you write, you are using two of your senses. Hence, you remember better.

How To Start Journaling?

jounraling tools
  1. Always start with a date. This will create your timeline when journaling. If you are wanting track cycles or patterns, perhaps you will include the time with the date as well. Using these two factors will keep your journals more organized.
  2. Do not force yourself to write if you are not in the mood. you do not have to journal every day. just when you want to track something, want to remember something thing or just want to write. My best writing comes only when I feel like it. If it is forced, it becomes more of what feels like a chore.
  3. Start out small. Journaling does not have to be a certain length, topic or anything. You can write a quote, poem, small story, or about an incident. It does not have to be long or short. Just write what you want to write. There are no restrictions on what you write. Again, you are in control.
  4. If you want a deeper thought to journaling, ask yourself a question. This will get the juices flowing and the creativity wondering. You will start to reflect more about the question and maybe even come to terms with understanding yourself a little better.

Here Are Some Journal Prompts To Get You Started:

journaling in grass


  • What makes you happiest?
  • List 5 qualities about yourself.
  • Where do you want to be in the next year?
  • When was the last time you cried? Why?
  • Who is your biggest inspiration or role model?

Personal Growth

  • What do I need more of in my life?
  • What are 10 things I am grateful for?
  • What are 7 things I do really well?
  • What does my ideal day look like?
  • What is something I have been wanting to do but have been afraid to do it?

For Fun

  • What was your favorite book as a child?
  • Do you like your name? Would you ever change it?
  • Do you prefer a black pen or a blue pen? Maybe a pencil?
  • Which element best represents you?
  • What are you afraid of?

Deep Conversation Topics

  • What is your biggest day-to-day challenge?
  • Who do you consider family?
  • Do you think people have a “higher calling” in life?
  • Do you think you could live in another country?
  • Which is more important, the human body, or the human mind?

So, as you can see, journaling does not take a lot of effort. You don’t have to use complete sentences, worry about grammar, or even need a reason to write. It’s all about you, your mood, your mind, and your creativity. The only thing you need is to take time out of your day to journal and Think Me First!

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