using your intuition

Using Your Intuition Actually Has 3 Strong Benefits

Did you know using your intuition actually has 3 strong benefits?

What do you think of when you hear or see the word intuition?

Many of us see or know intuition to be our “gut feeling.” Your intuition is used to filter the important information from the non-important information.

So these unexplained “hunches” are more rational than you might realize. And some see it as a form of intelligence. To sum it up, smart people listen to their gut feelings.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotton the gift. ”

~Albert Einstein

Think about all of the “great thinkers” throughout history. I’m pretty sure they used their intuition frequently.

There is an abundance of benefits to using your intuition.

Watch this video to find out more about the benefits of using your intuition. 😊 It can also be found on my Facebook Group page. If you would like to join the group, please CLICK HERE.

3 Ways Worth Noting the Advantages of Using Your Intuition

1. It helps you move out of your comfort zone.

When you are listening to your intuition your mind is more open to new ideas. And when you learn to use or rely on your intuition, this helps you avoid missed opportunities and open up new adventures.

Your mind will be more clear and rational in certain situations.

Once you learn to harness your intuitive powers your intuition will lead you in the proper direction. All you have to do is listen to it and then act on it.

2. Intuition guides you to make better decisions

There are studies that show using your intuition results in making better decisions in a faster way.

According to the studies, people who actively harness their intuition powers consistently make more beneficial choices in less time. And when they do this they trust those decisions.

What would you do if you could make quick decisions with less stress and without second-guessing yourself? Wouldn’t that be nice?

When you don’t trust your intuition we have the tendency to overthink our situations.  This causes more stress and less confidence in the choices we make.

3. Intuition has shown to improve your mental well-being

Have you ever been stuck in a situation where you wanted to say “no” but you wanted to please someone?

I was a huge culprit of this. I said “yes” to everyone because I felt like was letting them down. But I wasn’t. I was letting myself down instead. Because I said “yes” I made myself miserable and sometimes even blamed the person that asked me out. But, I then realized it was my fault for saying “yes” instead of “no.” Learn how to say “no” here. 

So what happens when you do this? You go against your “gut feeling.”

Once you learn to make intuitive decisions, you no longer face the stress or discomfort you might have suffers just to make someone happy.  When in fact, that person that asked you to do something will most likely not be upset if you are not willing to do something with them at that moment.

What you will find out though, is that when you learn to use your intuition you will find yourself having more energy, learning more, creating, taking adventures, and having more quality time.

People who live intuitively have a better understanding of themselves and trust their decisions. Their stress levels are lower and they are generally calmer and happier people. 

These benefits naturally improve your mental health and well-being.

Take care and Think Me First 💙💚!

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Using Your Intuition Actually Has 3 Strong Benefits
Article Name
Using Your Intuition Actually Has 3 Strong Benefits
Many of us know intuition to be our "gut feeling." Your intuition is used to filter the important information from the non-important information. Your intuition has an abundance of benefits.