Table of Contents
Per the National Alliance on Mental Illness approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. (46.6 million) experiences mental illness in a given year. Approximately 1 in 25 adults in the U.S (11.2 million) experiences a serious mental illness in a given year that substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities. That means you will know people who have or had a mental illness of some sort in your lifetime. And perhaps you may be one of them.
Watch this video to learn the benefits of therapy. It can also be found on my Facebook Group page, or on my YouTube channel.
Why do we all need therapy?
When I was going through my divorce I had hit rock bottom. I was so depressed, tired, and could not focus. I was lacking key essentials to daily living and self-love.
I was spiraling downhill mentally. I was too proud to get any help. I did not take medications, I would not see a therapist, and I was too proud and stubborn to ask for any help. I mean, gosh, I really did not want to bother or burden any of my family members or friends.
Then it hit me! The only way I was going to find my mental status clear again, was to ask for help and think with a positive mind. I was surrounded by negativity with my spouse mentally and verbally attacking me. And if that was not enough, he did it in front of the kids also.
I still refused to take medications to try and battle the depression. But I did seek out to find a therapist. I researched and researched and then found one. I went, I talked, and I attempted to learn why I was feeling this way and how to cope with my situation. After talking with another friend who was also in therapy, I learned more from him by what his therapist was teaching him, versus what I was talking about in mine. So I looked again and found an awesome therapist.
Now don’t get me wrong. At that time I was a normal mom who worked a 9-5 job with three children who were all very active in sports. I was not stressed for the most part. I was college-educated and had a very close-knit group of friends and family. I did not cause trouble. I did not like drama. I just took pleasure in watching my kids grow.
I say this because everyone has issues at some point in their life. I was a normal average person cruising along in life until the divorce. The same can happen to anyone at any time. You can be rich one moment and become homeless the next. You can have everything you have ever wanted and lose it all in seconds. It does not matter who you are. BUT, it does matter how you handle your situation.
Therapy can be beneficial, for even the slightest of stress or to discuss a situation or issue. I always say “Even therapists need therapists. Think about it… anyone living in a perfect world where there is nothing but positive vibes?
Myths About Therapy
Many people may not seek help through therapy because they think their issues are not serious ones and therapists are only for serious mental illnesses. That is not true. People use therapy for not only mental illnesses but to learn how to communicate, cope, support, distress, and self-exploration. I am sure there are other reasons as well.
Some people think therapists are nothing but cheerleaders. Wrong. The right therapist will be real with you and challenge you to overcome your fears, your concerns, or whatever you are trying to discover and overcome. They will give you different things to try because no one person is the same.
Another myth about therapy is that “therapy is common sense.” I thought this too. But when I started going to one, I thought differently. I would like to think of myself as having common sense. However, I heard my therapist say things that I thought should have been common sense to me, but in reality, I needed to hear it.
Have you ever thought that you do not need a therapist because you have good friend you can talk too? This can help to a degree, but a therapist is an outsider looking in and less judgmental. There are no emotions attached. It’s difficult for friends and family to put aside their emotions and biases about someone they care about going through something traumatic. It is also common for friends and family to share their own issues and then nothing is resolved.
There are some people who think that if you go to therapy, you are weak. This is false. If you are seeking therapy, you are trying to make yourself better either mentally or spiritually or some other reason. The hardest step is acknowledging you need a little help. That in itself takes a strong person to do. Therapy is not for weak people.
Even now that I am living a wonderful and happy life, I will still see my therapist from time to time. If you have the right therapist and an open mind. you will learn so much!
To conclude, everyone has had some unexpected changes in life or an event that has left you stressed, or feeling overwhelmed, etc… Try a therapist to help you out. If it is not for you, so be it. You might be surprised by how much you learn about yourself.
One last thought and one of my favorite quotes. “I’m in therapy to learn how to deal with people who should be in therapy.” 🙂
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