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I Took a Break and It’s Okay…

This blog is less about information and more about something everyone can relate too……Reality! Have you ever been too busy, have too much to do, or have the the feeling of really needing to get something done urgently, but you do not have the time? So ask yourself, “Can you relate?” If you cannot, I am not quite sure you re human, but, carry on. 🙂 For the rest of you humans, please read on. I took a break and it’s okay……

This last month for me has been super packed with a lot going on from family emergencies, husband traveling, summer break… got it. I have been having to keep up all the yard work, work full time, work overtime, tend to family, order this, do that, cook this, go pick up that. Sound familiar? Riiiiiiight! It’s not just me, it’s all of us.

panic caaaartoon

So, I was in a world of panic because I am trying to keep up with doing all of the above and then doing what I want to do… And I only need to blog one day a week, but I have not made the time to do that. I have been stressing because there have been two weeks out of the last few months that I have not blogged. Sounds silly right? Why should I be stressing about missing a blog here and there? But I did.

What is your deal? What do you stress about that needs to get done but hasn’t yet? Do you need to mow the back yard, paint a room, wash the car, do some landscaping, clean the house? Whatever “it” is that causes you great stress is most likely not important enough to cause harm or be harmful. But think about it. Is it necessary or are you just you pressuring yourself to get it done? The stress itself is more harmful to you than the actual “it” that needs to be done.

We spend so much time stressing and sweating over the small things, that we miss some of the larger things in life. For me, I had to take a break from something I love to do and help out the family, Helping out those that needed it, was and still is a necessity. Had I written the blog when I was needed by others, I would have missed out on seeing my mother-in-law whom I only get to see a few times a year. On another occasion, I would have missed a concert with my daughter and best friend. And we are talking about a blog people. LOL……

Think about this, how many times have you been working on the car, doing laundry or something when your child or neighbor stops you and wants to make small talk? Or, maybe you are a teen and one of your friends sent you a text or want to face-time with and you and you ignore them to watch an awesome movie you have been waiting to watch. How does this make you feel? Reality at times makes these situations seem like a burden. You have something you are wanting to get done and the timing was bad. But is the timing ever good? Here in the US, we are some of the busiest people with some of the fastest lifestyles.

slow down butterfly

I say this, because yes, we may be working on a car or doing laundry, perhaps watching a movie, but what does that other person want? It could be something important they want to share, something you can learn from. They could be grieving or happy and just wanting someone to listen. Maybe they need advice. Whatever it is, they are taking the time to tell you or ask you something. Why not take the time to do the same?

One night several years ago, I remember getting a phone call. Now I do not recall if I had heard it or saw it later or what, but I was not able to take the call. What I do remember was, one of my best friends was calling me to tell me her mother had just passed away. I often think to myself, “What was so important that I did not take that call?” Now I am not blaming myself for anything, but my point is, sometimes we miss out on larger things because we are stressing the smaller things.

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All in all, we need to self-love and find our happiness. Life itself is not easy, so why make it harder for yourself? When you find happiness in yourself, you will then find it in others. When you stop sweating the small things and live day by day to see the things that really matter, you can appreciate life more. I took a break and it’s okay! 🙂

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2 thoughts on “I Took a Break and It’s Okay…”

  1. No problem. Thank you for dropping a note. If there is anything else you would like to hear about, let me know. Take care and Think Me First!

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